The combination of learning outcomes that comprise this qualification will provide the qualifying learner with vocational knowledge and skills appropriate to the context of production technology.

The qualifying learner will be able to:

Communicate production and manufacturing related operational information to a variety of end users
– Optimise organisational structures, functions and processes in order to contribute to achieving production
– Maintain a safe and healthy work environment through contributions made to production activities individually
and in working groups
– Demonstrate an understanding of production technology practices, terminology and systems as applied in
manufacturing, engineering and technology
– Apply quality standards and procedures in production activities

Exit level outcomes
1. Communicate production and manufacturing related operational information to a variety of end users.
Range: End users include but are not limited to supervisor, serviceman, peers, co-workers.
2. Optimise organisational structures, functions and processes in order to contribute to achieving production
3. Maintain a safe and healthy work environment through contributions made to production activities
individually and in working groups.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of production technology practices, terminology and systems as applied in
manufacturing, engineering and technology.
5. Apply quality standards and procedures in production activities.

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